The purpose of this blog is to provide information and resources to alert and prepare you for the return of Jesus Christ. Those who have an ear, hear what the Spirit is saying. Listed will be scriptures and links to various websites that provide guidance and help if you're ready to make a choice between heaven or hell. Remember, tomorrow isn't promised to anyone.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature... (II Cor 5:17)

Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and if you have accepted Jesus, you are no longer your own. You have been bought with a price--which was the precious blood of Jesus Christ (the anointed One). We should not defile our bodies (His house) but guard, maintain, and care for it.

Don't abuse your body--flee fornication, adultery, uncleanness, gluttony, lasciviousness, perverseness, idolatry, pornography, all unclean spirits and demonic activities. Jesus has empowered you to overcome the enemy.

(Are you reading your WORD--the Bible?) You don't have to stay dirty.

  • REPENT--ask for forgiveness, turn away from the wrong.
  • PRAY to the Father in Jesus' name.
  • ASK Him to deliver you.
  • ASK Him to fill you with the precious Holy Spirit.

Then as soon as you can, talk with a spirit filled pastor or believer and join a congregation of spirit fill saints.

Remember the church (body of Christ) has not reached perfection--but the head who is "Jesus" is perfect. So keep your eyes focus on the head. Jesus is the way the TRUTH and the LIGHT.

You have a Heavenly Father that loves you so much that he has prepared a way for you to return unto Himself. He's not the one that brings sickness and disease upon you. But He does give us guidelines to protect ourselves. We choose either to obey or go our own way. Sometimes our choices are made through ignorance, and other times we choose to go down the path of destruction--thinking we'll be missing out on something. But the only things we would miss out on is: hangovers, aids, sickness, unplanned pregnancies, heartache, pain, financial lose, guilt, divorce, mental disorders, destroyed futures, and the list goes on and on....

If you're serious about changing partners --now is the time. Tell Satan to go to "Hell" because you're not going with him. I BELONG TO JESUS---I made the switch and I'm not going back. When I get to heaven, I'll be looking for you.

We cover you the reader and this message in the blood of Jesus. It will accomplish that to which it was sent. What God has bless, no man can curse. We bind the enemy from any retaliation in any way and call forth the ministering angels and Holy Spirit to place a guard and watch over the message and the messenger. In Jesus' name, Amen